Sustainability is Smart Business
We believe that sustainability creates economic value, contributes to healthy ecosystems and strong communities. Dorf Ketal's quality, health, safety, Security and environmental systems are purposely designed to maintain corporate and community resiliency for the long-haul in every country where we operate.

milEx|mph Performance Fuel Additives from Dorf Ketal
shares sustainability principles that are applied through our:
Commercial Partners
Managing and coordinating with commercial partners to ensure sustainability principles are met throughout the product and service life cycles.
Corporate Social Responsibility 
Supporting local community health, safety and educational development.
Providing superior QHSSE processes throughout our supply chain.
Emergency Response 
Mitigation and response to natural and operational accidents and incidents.
Protecting the air, water and land associated with our operations and product.
Health and Safety 
Ensuring the health and safety of employees, customers commercial partners and the communities in which we operate.
Organizational Culture
a QHSSE culture of continual improvement through effective training competence building, employee empowerment and customer feedback.
Providing stringent and consistent product and service standards that support customers’ sustainability.
Product Stewardship
Ensuring the safe creation, use, impact and disposal of our products.
Adhering to Responsible Care® 
a voluntary initiative to improve QHSSE performance throughout the industry.
Ensuring product information and processes are protected from unauthorized access.
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